Forensic Examinations Gets Results

The Partnership Against Crime Taskforce (PACT) has been instrumental in combating burglaries within the construction industry by providing a unified platform for its members to report criminal activities. The recent results highlight the effectiveness of this collaborative approach with the WA Police Force and PACT Site Security members.

Since December 2023 PACT has reported a total of 29 burglaries and attempted burglaries on behalf of its members. As with all reported burglaries, the WA Police Forensics will examine the crime scene to gather evidence to identify the offender, including fingerprints, DNA, footprints, method of entry and scan closeby residences and businesses for CCTV.

Forensic examination of the reported 29 burglaries has resulted in the successful identification of six offenders, who have now been arrested, with another four burglaries currently under further investigation after forensic evidence was obtained, potentially a 35% success rate from WA Police forensic examinations.

Construction sites present numerous factors that can complicate forensic investigations, including the presence of dust, debris, and the constant movement of workers from various trades. Considering the unique challenges of conducting forensic examinations in construction environments, this is an impressive result.

The adage that "1% of the population commits 99% of the crime" rings true within the construction industry, and we are without doubt that the offenders charged in these matters are responsible for other crimes on construction sites and in the wider community, if not identified and arrested, then the crime will continue.

The construction industry has always been a prime target for theft and criminal activity. Whether it's theft of machinery, materials, or vandalism, the repercussions can be significant, ranging from financial losses to project delays and compromised safety. Therefore, the importance of reporting construction industry theft cannot be overstated.

However, despite the effectiveness of forensic examinations for PACT members, many major construction companies continue to fail to report construction industry theft. This lack of reporting not only hampers efforts to combat crime but also enables offenders to operate with impunity, allowing them to continue their crimes.

Furthermore, builders' failure to address crime within the industry maintains a culture of tolerance for criminal behaviour. When theft and vandalism go unreported and unpunished, it allows criminals to thrive, undermining the integrity and trustworthiness of the construction sector.

Builders and stakeholders must prioritize reporting construction industry theft, cooperate with the Police, and implement security measures to safeguard assets and deter ongoing criminal activities.

Reporting construction industry theft is essential for protecting assets, ensuring project integrity, and reducing crime within the sector. Through forensic examination, identification of offenders, proactive reporting, and other proactive strategies, stakeholders can work together to combat theft and vandalism, create safer work environments, and preserve the reputation of the construction industry as a reliable and trustworthy partner in development and progress.