Burglary Arrest

After a recent increase in reported burglary activity within inner-city suburbs of St James, Carlisle and Waterford a forensic examination of the Perceptions Home in Waterford has identified an adult male responsible for the $6000 burglary.

Inquiries with the site supervisor ascertained the identified male was not a tradesman on-site. As a result, Cannington Detectives executed a search warrant on the offenders address and located two stolen ovens from the Perceptions site. Investigations are continuing to locate a 2nd offender who was in company with the male at the time of the offence.

It appears the driving factor behind the theft is drug-related with the offender looking to sell the stolen property, with the same method of entry and targeting similar goods these offenders will undoubtedly be responsible for other building site burglaries, although at this stage, there is insufficient evidence to prove further charges and investigations are continuing.

This arrest and recovery of the property again reinforce the importance of reporting all crime and allowing Police to examine sites for forensic evidence. Fingerprints, blood and other DNA can be left at the scene of any burglary and Police forensic examiners will search for evidence to assist in the identification of offenders.  

PACT Site Security manages all facets of the reporting of crime and organising forensic examination by Police in an efficient and effective manner.

Call 1800 232 836 to discuss how your building and construction business can benefit join the PASCT Site Security program.