Management & reporting

PACT Site Security offers comprehensive end-to-end management and reporting services to ensure the safety and security of your construction sites, allowing you to focus on your core business activities. Here's how our services can benefit your organization:

1. **Toolbox Meetings and Education:** We conduct regular toolbox meetings with supervisors to ensure that relevant safety processes and reporting procedures are up-to-date and followed consistently. Additionally, we liaise with trades and suppliers to educate them on-site safety and crime prevention processes, fostering a culture of security awareness within your organization.

2. **Crime Reporting Management:** PACT Site Security manages the entire process of crime reporting, freeing up your staff to focus on other priorities. Our team verifies incidents and liaises with law enforcement agencies to obtain incident report numbers on behalf of our clients, streamlining the reporting process and ensuring timely intervention.

3. **Direct Access to Investigators:** We provide direct access to investigators to discuss any incidents relating to crime or illegal rubbish dumping. This facilitates prompt investigation and resolution of security concerns, allowing for effective mitigation of risks.

4. **Forensic Examination Support:** In cases of burglaries and large-scale theft, we liaise with police forensic teams and supervisors to provide forensic examinations if and when required. This proactive approach enhances the likelihood of identifying perpetrators and recovering stolen property.

5. **Dedicated Reporting Hotline:** Our dedicated 24/7 phone line allows members of the public to report incidents or suspicious activities on members' sites, ensuring swift response and intervention. This proactive reporting mechanism enhances overall site security and helps prevent future incidents.

6. **Online Reporting and Investigation:** We provide online database access to members to record all onsite crime activity, including illegal rubbish dumping. Our team investigates these reports and liaises with site supervisors, contractors, WA Police and local councils to address and mitigate security risks effectively.

Overall, our comprehensive management and reporting services are designed to help your business mitigate security risks in the building and construction industry. By entrusting these responsibilities to PACT Site Security, you can ensure the safety and security of your construction sites while optimizing your operational efficiency and productivity.

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