GPS Trackers

GPS tracking technology plays a crucial role in enhancing site security and asset protection on building sites. PACT Site Security utilizes GPS tracking to deter theft and ensure the efficient tracking and recovery of stolen items:

1. **Deterrence and Prevention:** The presence of GPS tracking devices attached to high-value items such as electrical appliances and white goods acts as a strong deterrent to would-be thieves. Knowing that items are equipped with GPS tracking technology can discourage theft attempts and reduce the risk of further losses and damage.

2. **Efficient Tracking and Recovery:** In the unfortunate event of theft, GPS tracking allows for the real-time monitoring and tracking of stolen items. This enables swift response and intervention by security personnel and WA Police, increasing the likelihood of recovering stolen goods and apprehending offenders.

3. **Successful Recovery and Prosecution:** GPS trackers have proven to be instrumental in successfully recovering stolen goods and prosecuting individuals responsible for building site theft. The ability to track and locate stolen items facilitates evidence collection and strengthens legal cases against offenders, leading to successful prosecutions and deterrence of future criminal activities.

4. **Enhanced Site Security:** Integrating GPS tracking devices into security protocols enhances overall site security by providing an additional layer of protection for high-value assets. This proactive approach helps mitigate the risk of theft and vandalism, safeguarding assets and minimizing financial losses for companies.

For more information on how our GPS tracking solutions can be tailored to protect your building site and assets, we encourage you to contact us today. PACT Site Security is committed to providing comprehensive security solutions that leverage advanced technologies to ensure the safety and security of your construction projects.

For some examples of success stories of our GPS trackers, click here.

Actual GPS Log after a Hot Water System was stolen from a building site in Gosnells.

Actual GPS Log after a Hot Water System was stolen from a building site in Gosnells.