Solar Powered Spectur CCTV on multi unit site

Alarm Activation removing Juveniles off site (Click Picture to Enlarge)


Solar Systems for CCTV solutions can provide a cost-effective and comprehensive security solution for construction sites. Here are the key benefits and options available:

1. **Deterrence and Surveillance:** CCTV cameras act as a visible deterrent for potential criminals, reducing the likelihood of crimes such as theft, vandalism, and trespassing. In addition to deterrence, CCTV systems capture high-definition images and footage in the event of suspicious behaviour or criminal activities, providing valuable evidence for investigations and prosecution.

2. **Management Tool:** CCTV cameras offer a valuable management tool for monitoring onsite activities, deliveries, and overall site security. With 24/7 client access, stakeholders can remotely view live footage and monitor site activities in real time, enhancing situational awareness and enabling timely intervention if necessary.

3. **Advanced Features:** Spectur Solar Systems offers advanced features such as live footage triggered by motion on-site, instant security alerts, verbal warnings, and continuous recording day and night. These features provide enhanced security capabilities and facilitate proactive responses to security threats.

4. **High-Quality Imaging:** The CCTV systems provided by Spectur Solar Systems capture high-definition images and footage, ensuring clear and detailed recordings of onsite activities. This high-quality imaging is essential for effective surveillance, evidence collection, and identification of individuals involved in security incidents.

5. **Time-Lapse Footage:** Time-lapse footage allows for the condensed viewing of site activities over a specified period, providing valuable insights into site operations, progress, and security incidents. This feature can be useful for project management, reporting, and analysis purposes.

Overall, partnering with Spectur Solar Systems for CCTV solutions offers construction sites a comprehensive and cost-effective security solution. With advanced features, high-quality imaging, and remote access capabilities, CCTV systems serve as effective deterrents, surveillance tools, and management aids, helping to protect assets, prevent losses, and ensure the safety and security of construction projects.

Solar CCTV installed Civil Contractors compound

Solar CCTV installed Civil Contractors compound